zo 14 jul
Queer Love Drawing
4th Model Drawing Workshop: 14/07/24 *Iedereen is Welkom!* Doe mee aan de tweede Model Drawing Workshop: zondag 12/05/24. Queer Love Drawing, ondersteund door The Clit Pit, presenteert een maandelijkse tekenworkshop met prachtige Queer Modellen, geleid door Caroline De Meyer.
Tijd en locatie
14 jul 2024, 11:00 – 15:00
Antwerpen, Slachthuislaan 23, 2060 Antwerpen, België
Over het evenement
*Everybody is Welcome!*
*Second Model Drawing Workshop: Sunday, 12/05/24*
Queer Love Drawing, a new initiative supported by The Clit Pit, is proud to present a monthly Model Drawing Workshop. We work with beautiful Queer Models, and the workshop will be initiated by Caroline De Meyer. All levels are welcome.
*Practical Information*
Archipel Slachthuislaan 23, 2060 Antwerpen.
From 11 am to 3 pm on the following Sundays: 12/05, 09/06, 14/07.
15 euros per session.
*Registration and Payment in Advance:*
Please register at queerlovedrawing@gmail.com. Your registration will be confirmed after the payment (15 euros) on account BE55 7895 6315 5544.